
  1. J

    Detailing Jem - Scratchy scratchy Lexus RX300

    Today I've been down to West London to detail this Lexus RX300. My customer has only recently bought the car and as you can see from the pictures had had several arguments with bushes and judging by the door handles, several years of abuse from acrylic fingernails. From the paint thickness...
  2. N

    my new s15 :-)

    wel lads just picked this up last week, put on the wheels and nuts and lexus lights :-)
  3. LuPix_S15

    Coloured headlamps - neat trick :)

    Hola! :wave: Yes I know it's been a while lol but I have updated my S14a track project thread :p and just remembered a neat little trick I did recently on my daily Lexus which cost me very little that I wanted to share with you guys! Anyone who fancies coloured (usually blue or yellow)...
  4. J

    FS: s15 rear lexus lights

    I have for sale a set of rear lexus lights for S15 £50