
  1. L

    Help, z32 brake conversion

    Hi guys, So I've just change everything over for my hand brake conversion but on the passenger side when the wheel is off the disc spins freely but with the wheel on it locks up?? I've backed the adjuster off all the way so it shouldn't be engaging at all. The drivers side is fine Leo...
  2. usafdarkhorse

    Noise upon first clutch release

    Hey S15OC I've mulled through a few threads on this issue, namely these: http://forum.s15oc.com/threads/2825-Strange-Noise?highlight=clutch+rattle http://forum.s15oc.com/threads/6258-Noise-when-selecting-gear?highlight=clutch+rattle and I'm not entirely sure of what's going on because the...
  3. lvaleiron

    Problem with 3rd gear...

    I've been trying to find some information on the forum about this but so far no luck. I currently have a problem with my 6 speed box when engaging into third, basically i can engage third and there is no resistance but every time there is a crunchy noise, similar as if you try to engage on high...