
  1. Parky

    Fake Profec B Spec 2??

    I've paid for one off ebay, hasn't arrived yet though - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181223868071 I'm just wondering if there are any fakes going around as I've noticed a lot of places charging a lot more for them (£399 on H-Dev) so I'm feeling it might be a bit suspect... anyone heard of fakes...
  2. Mike

    Don't buy fakes of fakes, buy our fakes.

    The safety issue is understandable but the cheek of this made I laugh! http://www.autoindustriya.com/auto-industry-news/rota-wheels-warns-against-counterfeit-products.html
  3. Jordan

    Are these legit or replicas?

    Lads, Sorry for the noob question, i'm sure these are too good to be true price-wise and therefore probably dodgy fakes, but they look like the real thing? Advice please! Would love some low max's...
  4. N

    Takata Harnesses Genuines or Fakes?

    Been looking for a set of the long type Takata Harnesses and it winds me up to know that there are fakes out there to ruin the brand and safety of the product, as being bewary to know if you are buying genuine or fakes! :furious:. I have been in touch with Takata USA and they have said to me...