
  1. Chriscooke

    What fmic and where to buy

    I'm looking for a new fmic and fed up with looking at poor fitting crap. I'm tempted to go down the Greddy/hks route as I've heard the quality and fit is good. I I know you guys tend to buy quality parts but where do you get them from? So far I've checked rhd Japan and frsport as I've used...
  2. S

    WTB: Driver's side wind deflector

    For some reason my car only has a passenger wind deflector on it. Does anyone have a driver's one they'd let go of? :) Only seem to be able to buy them as a pair on RHD etc.
  3. Lloyd_SR20

    FS: Tomei Fuel Pressure Regulator type-s with gauge **BRAND NEW!!!

    Selling: Brand New Tomei fuel pressure regulator type-s with gauge. bought from RHD japan for £110 last week, i no longer have a need for it as i got sorted before this arrived. looking for £70 INCLUDING shipping to UK or anywhere in ireland. I will dispatch it out to buyer the same day i...
  4. Krish

    Uras short shifter? - anyone used it?

    Seen it in rhd http://www.rhdjapan.com/uras-short-shifter-solid-shifter-s15-6-speed-67506 Has anybody used it or know anything about it? Thanks
  5. K

    RHD panels?

    Hi, does anyone know where to buy a LHD center console (the e-brake whole in the opposite side), or who makes them, or can make them? also a LHD radio/shifter surround? I am also looking for a LHD S15 dashboard with a working glove box. If I can't find one, i will just buy a RHD dash and...
  6. B

    EBAY - some universal and R35 Stuff

    up for sale some universal and r35 gt-r stuff. 3x gauge holder for dashboard http://www.ebay.de/itm/170803857952?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Skunk2 - Sock for brake- or clutch fluid http://www.ebay.de/itm/170803863973?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649...
  7. J

    d-max boot soiler where can i get one ???

    hi every one :wave: does any body know where i can get a d-max rear boot spoiler ? ive tryed ep raceing they have not got any untill end of march so i went and bort one from rhd japan and they dont have any till end of feb these spoilers seem to be like rocking horse **** atm
  8. ichigo-300

    FS: BNIB GT2871r, Tomei FPR, Nismo 740cc and other goodies - unused build parts

    Hi Guys, It's time I sold some of the parts from my original build now that its changed direction, the following parts are brand new in box, never used: - Garrett GT2871r with wastegate and gaskets (from Owen Development) Retails at £900 For sale = SOLD Nismo 740cc Injectors (from RHD Japan...
  9. S

    Sup eerybody

    Hey guys, found these forums and hopefully I'll be sticking around. I'll start by giving a lil background on myself. My name is Mark Anthony (yes really :rolleyes:) and I'm here in the Chicago area. I'm a custom car builder (mostly car stereo fiberglass) and also a judge for HIN/NCCA. At the...
  10. japmadlad

    New toys

    No sign of my clutch package from RHD yet but I have got these http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff28/japmadlad/?action=view&current=PICT1069.jpg http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff28/japmadlad/?action=view&current=PICT1071.jpg...