Hey guys, I'm Jase..
Just got myself a nice S15 last week.. and its beautiful!! haha. but not that i need to tell you guys that coz you all have one haha.
Use it as my daily drive car, and is currently factory standard (bar the exhaust as the previous owner couldnt acquire the standard exhaust...
My s15 is a 99 Jap spec.
i Will have Tein Flex or Buddy club coil overs, dont know what one yet..
guards at the back are rolled,
What would the offset be if i got the
TE37s in 19inch 9.5 rear and 8.5 front
and would i get the concave look ?
coz the flat face dont look good.
hey guys,, just wanted to know for my s15..im getting the tein super street with out top on them.. the guy said i can use the existing one on the car.....
is that true?
or do i need the camper pillow..
i just called up fulcrum and asked them if i need the camber top they said i will for the...
I'm thinking about upgrading my turbo.
Initially my plan was to change to HKS GT-RS turbo, but after hearing comments about RS turbo gives more lag at low and mod range. I start to wonder what options I've got...
GT-SS hum pointless change to this turbo coz its identical to stock turbo? My...
I'm changing my transmission right now and want to change the meter too...coz the AT one got those letters (P, R, N, D, 2, L)
so can i just put this nismo meter in (coz it said MT only)...