
  1. K

    Heater mode selction failed.

    Hi all. Has anyone had the mode selection fail before? When i select it it switches between screen/vents/feet etc, but it does not physically change. I hear a tiny click and that's it. I think the unit is ok as the fan and everything else works. Could someone shed any light? Also, where...
  2. M

    Engine coolant temp

    Hi guys, I know this depends too on the climate in different countries, but what would be the normal/average engine coolant temperature for say a stock S15? The only info I can find so far from the S15 manual is that the (electric) cooling fan shouldn't switch on before engine coolant reaches...
  3. M

    Bigger alternator or bigger battery?

    Hi all, I've fitted a larger electric fan for my intercooler project, it works well but the problem is that it draws around 20 amps at max load. This seems to place some load on my car's charging system, with lights dimming momentarily when the fan kicks in. I measured across the batt...
  4. P

    Changing Thermo fans

    Has anyone changed the thermo fan on their S15? I've seen a few that have just removed the standard fan and shroud and replaced them with two thermo fans. The main reason being the fmic reducing flowto the radiator. It also gives you about 300cubic feet :p more space in the engine bay. Just...
  5. channie

    Ive really damaged myself!

    The story begins... Iwas on my way to a SW SXOC meet at lunch time today... when we arrived i pooped the bonnet to ask an owner about re using the aircon fan instead of the viscous... at this point my engine was still running... i turned on the air con to activate the electric fan, but nothing...
  6. S

    Air vent filter

    Hi All, does any one know how to and where is the filter element for the air vents? cause every time i turn the fan on without the ac there is unpleasant smell from the vents?? thanks All in advance :thumbs: