
  1. P

    VVT rattle after service

    The car has just had its first service in the UK and to honour this I went along to the boys down at APT. (Paperwork and all) On the way back I noticed that I now have a louder VVT rattle. I say its VVT but basically the classic SR rattle. All I could think was different viscosity of oil...
  2. P

    VVT Rattle - The Movie

    Courtesy of Nissansilvia.com, unsure if it has been posted before, please delete if it has. Useful for all those "What is this rattle????" threads. VVT/VCT Rattle worse case scenario: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95qdoK44zQg Notice how when reved how the rattle goes away. Tractor or...
  3. H

    Please Help

    i bought my s15 a few months ago but recently i noticed when the car is cold and i put it in gear this rattle noise comes from what sounds like around the gear box for a few seconds but only when cold,and also when im driving the car cold or hot if i drive pass 3 thouands rpm and take my foot...
  4. D

    Strange Noise

    If i start my car cold there is no sound, but if the car has been left for about 10 minutes to about a few hours, there is a pretty bad rattle in first as i lift the clutch to pull away (not if i do accelerator or clutch independently). The noise only lasts a few seconds and then wont re-appear...
  5. S

    Annoying dash rattle

    There's a very annoying rattle coming from under the dash, around the airbag area. Im pretty sure it's here anyway but i know rattle locations can be deceptive. Anyone else had this problem, and if so, how did you fix it?
  6. S

    Damn rattle!!

    Remember I posted this sound clip of the rattle coming from my car? http://www.delsoluk.com/s15/recording2.wav Well it wasn't under the car as I initially thought but it seems to be coming from the engine bay. I checked the manifold heat shield, even removed it and im still getting the...
  7. B

    Wooohooo no more vvt rattle

    My car used to make the dreaded vvt rattle when it was started up from warm,it was fine when cold but on warm start ups it would rattle until I put it in gear and engaged the clutch it would then stop and not come back until the next warm start.Today I fitted this A brand new vvt solonoid...
  8. B

    VVT Solonoid

    Been reading up about the VVT rattle that these cars suffer from,and was wondering if it was worth buying a new solonoid for mine rather than the sprocket to see if this cures it.Mine only rattles on start up and even then it doesn't always do it,it never rattles at idle once warm (or if you put...