
  1. S


    he there! i ve been sniffing about for a decent induction kit, exhaust and spoiler for my 2000 spec s. can anybody help me out?! :D :D :D
  2. D

    Intro and advice

    :wave: Hi my names daz from teesside in the uk, just purchased an s15, pick it up in 2 weeks and boy is that gunna drag........... never mind SO the advice please - to all you experienced owners out there, DUMP VAVLE HKS? or other recomended and induction kit, HKS or Apexi or other...
  3. L

    Air filters

    Right i'm starting to tune my car "finaly" and want to sort out the basics a good air filter. I've been thinking of getting a ARC super induction box Is anyone runing one if so what are your views? and what is every one else using?