So th basic story is that Ronan Kearny imported the car about 3 years ago, but unfortunatley is got vandalized in the docks by pikeys and had a good few parts stolen. Ronan, obviously not happy with this, wanted the dock people to pay for the damage... so anyway, after about 2 years, they moved the car with a fork lift, smashing the kit (now repaired) which further pissed Ronan off. Finally, a year on from that, Ronan enlisted Nigel Colfer to get it from the docks and sit it at his house. Since then, it's once again sat doing nothing, until i spotted the ad on here and decided to call Ronan... long story short, i'd said "i'll have that, im sending money now" within a minute lol.
I've been wanting an S15 since i got into drifting pretty much, the first time i saw Kazama rocking one at Nikko i was hooked. Finally i have one! So anyone wondering why i'm getting rid of the S14, it's to forfill a dream i've had for years!!!
Skipping on, Nigel Colfer was once again enlisted to bring the car over. I had him bring it to Clarkey at doritech motorsport in birmingham. I've always worked on cars with Clarkey and i know he works to an even stupier standard than i do... with the car standing so long having no oil cap (seriously) it was going to have issues. So this is the engine on arrival...
As you can see, 3 out of 4 coil packs have gone, the intake, filter and MAF have gone... really stupid theft! When we drained the oil, roughly 3.5L of water came out before the same amount in oil! was WIERD lol.
Mr clarkey was in a bit of a rage at a wasted SR...
so we ripped the lump out... took us roughly an hour... we've definatley pulled to many SRs haha.
On further inspection it turns out the engine was MINT when it went it, the rockers were all brand new apart from the mullerd one!
So the engine out and having to wait for a new engine to turn up, we fixed up clarkeys MENTAL jet wash and i went to town giving it a clean. Its still pretty minging to be fair, but it's a hell of a lot better!
and a rinse made a huge difference!!!
Ronan told me the wheels were 18x8 and 18x10... however, what they actually turned out to be, is RS series Advan Racing wheels... so they are forged and in roughly - 17x9.5 ET0 / 18x10.5 ET0 - i think they could be the poshest wheels i've ever seen an S body arrive to the country on at roughly £550 per corner, plus tyres!
As the day came to an end i started to notice the roof... :wack: