LMAO I know this is very cheapskate but at the moment cash is very tight and I just want to try the idea of despoilering the car. Although not the tidiest way ever, I don't think it will look too bad because afterall on JDM motors anything looks cool :smitten:
Basically I'm considering the idea of despoilering the silvy but have a couple of issues...
1. I dont know if I'll prefer it or not so need to live without it for a while and see how I feel
2. The car is pearl white so colour matching is a biatch
3. I'm skint with a capital OVERDRAFT
So my idea is... rip the spoiler off (not literally, I will use a ratchet :rotfl
and then blank the holes using blind grommets, I don't actually think it'll look that bad if I can source some. Does anyone know where I can find some and what size I will need?? I'm sure someone must make some but I'm struggling so far :wack: Obviously black ones are a piece of pish to get hold of but where on earth can I find some WHITE blind grommets?
Answers and diameters on a postcard :thumbs:
Basically I'm considering the idea of despoilering the silvy but have a couple of issues...
1. I dont know if I'll prefer it or not so need to live without it for a while and see how I feel
2. The car is pearl white so colour matching is a biatch
3. I'm skint with a capital OVERDRAFT
So my idea is... rip the spoiler off (not literally, I will use a ratchet :rotfl
Answers and diameters on a postcard :thumbs: