Well I had to replace a globe for the drivers side low beam today after it decided it's lifespan would be 4 years. Thought I would replace both globes so I wouldn'r have to faf about if the passenger side went soon after. Then thought I may as well get some nice Xenon blue globes. Bloody jap cars and their bloody jap hands. 40 minutes later and with the battery still on the floor I finally finished what is a 5 minute job on the wies Aussie built Holden (Vauxhal) Commodore. Can't wait to get that FMIC fitted so I can ditch the factory cooler piping and airbox and make some room for proper sized people..... :rant:
I know exactly where you're coming from. On my Z32 it is impossible to remove the one of the top 'pre-cat' bolts with human hands. The top bolt of the manual transmission is also impossible without dislocating your wrist and inserting another joint half way up your forearm..
I wonder if all the Nissan techs in Japan have some special martial art type techniques that are needed to perform routine maintenance...
I'm looking forward to when my daughter is old enough to reach up under the car to help with projects, but right now she's a little too young!!!
Believe me, the S15 is much easier than the S14. You have to remove the whole headlight unit to change the bulbs. When you have worked that out though, it only takes ten minutes for both sides.
Yeah, glad it's not the S14. I think the hardest part was not touching the globe whilst holding the airbox up and fitting it in the tiny little opening. Oh well, it's done now and hopefully won't need doing again for another 4 years.
Well I had a Nissan Exa (N13) before the silvia and the starter motor was aainst the firewall in the middle of the engine bay tucked up under the exhaust. That was fine till the armature seized and I had to tap it with a wrench to start it, that ws fun.
I'm thinking of puting a remote oil filter on the car to alleviate that issue.