No end of troubles with coilpacks, bought brand new set, [Shameless plug to Apex Performance] fitted them and all was well. Car has now developed a hesitation at about 3500rpm at full throttle.
Part throttles fine.?
To try and describe it better its an almost strangled/ clogging effect lift off and it clears, foot down again and same happens.
If the all to common boost leak it is far more severe than I`ve had before.
Its deffo not fuel cut, nowhere near as violent (dont ask how I know)
Found a slight split in Fuel pressure to inlet manifold hose, changed.
Cleaned MAF sensor.
Still the same.
Rear silencer box on exhaust is damaged but not blowing (had a whack on road debris), could a iffy/damaged baffle cause a similar problem?
Still running standard boost control solenoid, again, do these cause similar issues?
Can a turbo stall? Its that kind of effect. If so how does this happen?
Its a great car but is driving me nuts at the moment!:annoyed:
Many thanks
Part throttles fine.?
To try and describe it better its an almost strangled/ clogging effect lift off and it clears, foot down again and same happens.
If the all to common boost leak it is far more severe than I`ve had before.
Its deffo not fuel cut, nowhere near as violent (dont ask how I know)
Found a slight split in Fuel pressure to inlet manifold hose, changed.
Cleaned MAF sensor.
Still the same.
Rear silencer box on exhaust is damaged but not blowing (had a whack on road debris), could a iffy/damaged baffle cause a similar problem?
Still running standard boost control solenoid, again, do these cause similar issues?
Can a turbo stall? Its that kind of effect. If so how does this happen?
Its a great car but is driving me nuts at the moment!:annoyed:
Many thanks